Before the proposed quarry could be created, the proposal must pass through the examination and approval process outlined below.

The following text is taken from the May 28, 2015 memorandum issued to Faraday Reeve Carl Tinney by Hastings County Planner Paul Walsh.  The complete memorandum (bundled with additional page listing members of the Planning and Development Committee) is available for download from the Reports & Documents page.

Steps in Approval Process:

A. Proponent hosts a Public Information Session regarding the proposal. The location and timing of the meeting are determined by the Applicant, but would be in the general area of the proposal;

B. Proponent submits public comments from the session to form a “Complete Application” for an Amendment to the County of Hastings’ Official Plan from the “Rural” designation to the “Extractive” designation;

C. Application information (groundwater, noise and traffic studies, etc.) is reviewed to determine acceptability by County peer review consultants.

D. If the review above concludes that the studies are acceptable, the County issues a Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting (under the Planning Act). Such meetings have historically been hosted by the County Planning Committee in the County Administration building (Belleville) during a regular meeting but hosting a meeting in the area of the application may be warranted for this type of application;

E. County Planning and Development Committee makes recommendation of adoption or denial to County Council for its decision;

F. If approved, County Council issues Notice of Decision and forwards it to Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their approval;

G. MMAH in turn either approves or denies approval in their capacity as the approval authority for the County’s official plan and amendments thereto, subject to appeals by relevant parties that may be made to the Ministry’s decision or to a failure to make a decision in a timely fashion (180 days from the time of “Notice of Complete Application”);

H. If approved, a pit or quarry will be a permitted land use at the County Official Plan level.

I. If the amendment is finally approved (or is pending approval) by MMAH, the Applicant may apply to the Township of Faraday for a zone amendment from the “Rural” (RU) Zone to the “Extractive Industrial (MX)” Zone. The application for a zone amendment involves Faraday Council hosting a public meeting. The zone amendment would address less detail than normal, since most issues area addressed under the conditions of the Aggregate License. However, the zone amendment would establish the permitted use in conformity to the Official Plan.

J. Faraday Council may wish to consult with its Solicitor with regard to entering into an agreement with the quarry owner regarding such matters as Haul Routes and road impacts, etc.

K. An application for quarry license will also be submitted by the land owner to the Ministry of Natural Resources. A public meeting is required as part of the licensing process. The license would address on-site operational issues, such as site entrance, berms, excavation areas, screening and crushing, hours of operation, blasting, etc. For more details regarding the Ministry’s process, the contact person for the MNR for this matter is Mr. Justin Bryant, Aggregate Resources Technical Specialist, telephone no. 613-332-3940 ext. 231.

L. Applications for a quarry are typically complex and controversial. If appeal(s) are lodged with respect to the official plan amendment and related zoning by-law amendment and aggregate license, a “consolidated” Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing would be required with both the County of Hastings and the Township of Faraday attending and participating as parties to the hearing.